
Socioboard 3.0

Troubleshooting history of Socioboard 3.0 Open-source



  1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2016 Community
  2. Microsoft IIS Express (bulit in Visual Studio)
  3. MySQL for Windows
  4. MongoDB for Windows
  5. Redis for Windows

DNX451 vs. NET451

  1. (case sensitive) replace all like this:

System.Web.Script not found

  1. Right click on 'References' of 'Api.Socioboard' in Project Explorer.
  2. Add reference 'System.Web.Extension', and click 'OK'.
  3. Rebuild all.

physicalPath in applicationhost.cfg

SavedFeedsComment not found

  1. Remove [Project folder]/src/Api.Socioboard/Repositories/SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs
  2. Remove [Project folder]/src/Api.Socioboard/Controllers/SavedFeedsManagementController.cs
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	CS0246	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsComments' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Controllers\SavedFeedsManagementController.cs	47	Active
Error	CS0246	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsComments' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	30	Active
Error	CS0234	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsComments' does not exist in the namespace 'Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	38	Active
Error	CS0246	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Controllers\SavedFeedsManagementController.cs	40	Active
Error	CS0246	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	14	Active
Error	CS0234	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	78	Active
Error	CS0234	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	21	Active
Error	CS0234	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	83	Active
Error	CS0234	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	85	Active
Error	CS0234	The type or namespace name 'SavedFeedsManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo' (are you missing an assembly reference?)	Api.Socioboard	C:\Socioboard-Core-3.0\src\Api.Socioboard\Repositories\SavedFeedsManagementRepository.cs	90	Active

fbAccEmail of FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail

File: NotificationsController.cs, Line 153
Message: fbAccEmail not found

var result = mongorepo.Find<Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail>(t => t.userId == userId && t.status==false && t.fbAccEmail !=null);

Modify to

var result = mongorepo.Find<Domain.Socioboard.Models.Mongo.FacebookPasswordChangeUserDetail>(t => t.userId == userId && t.status==false);

Invaild Access Token/Access token not found

File: FbUser.cs, Line 14-22
Message: Exception thrown: 'Facebook.FacebookOAuthException' in Facebook.dll

	return fb.Get("v2.7/me?fields=id,about,bio,birthday,cover,education,email,gender,hometown,name,work,picture");//v2.6
catch (Exception ex)
	return "Invalid Access Token";

Hibernate: Sequence contains no elements

I tried Any() method. ex) if ret.Any → ret.ToList(). If not ret.Any → Null

but, Any() occured 'Out of Index'.

Password checker failure

See Also